
Modern CRM


Your business, using one platform, for everything.

Move away from legacy technology and run your entire business on one, powerful, feature rich CRM.


Show something spectacular to your audience

An experience your staff and customers will both love 

Simple User Interface

Intelligent forms for easy data entry, multiple task views, 360 customer view and customisable dashboards.

5 Star Customer Service

Customer portals and tools to make interacting with customers and provide outstanding service a breeze.

Automated Processes

Bespoke workflows to make handling large volumes of customers easy. Automated actions on completion of key tasks means nothing is forgotten.

Better Communication

Telephony, Whatsapp, Facebook, SMS, Email, whatever channel you use to communicate with customers, do it in one place.

Any Device. Anywhere. Anytime.

Access the information you need to, from any device with a web browser, in any location.


Integrate with any platform to provide further efficiency gains and make difficult time consuming tasks a breeze.
ChatGPT integration

Harness the transformative power of GPT integration to streamline workflows, enhance data insights, and elevate user experience. Dive into a dynamic digital realm where AI-driven tools and insights pioneer the future of web interactions.

Dialler Integration

Utilise the seamless integration of ConnexOne to optimise communication processes and enrich customer engagement. Experience a unified platform that effortlessly bridges communication channels and data touchpoints.

imail integration

Streamline your printed communications with a click.
iMail integration offers cost-effective posting, eliminating the need for internal printers or franking machines. Let iMail handle all your print and post needs seamlessly.

Iress Integration

Iress integration allows real-time research for a variety of financial services products, producing quotes in seconds. Simplify, compare, and quote effortlessly.

Automate Google buying campaigns using backend CRM data.

Created automated lists that populate in to  MailChimp and send emails on a schedule.

Automatically sync your dropbox account with documents from within intelliO.

Screen pop the customer record on incoming or outgoing calls and automate calls based on intelligent business rules to ensure a customer interaction is never missed.

A modern platform

User experience

intelliO is built with the end user in mind and provides a variety of tools to make interacting with teams and customers much easier.

Dark Mode

Switch themes at the click of a button with dark mode. 

Match your best leads with your best people

Automate lead and customer distribution based on any predefined rules to ensure you provide the highest level of service. 

Not out of the box

Are you working around a system that isn't flexible enough to accommodate your business processes or business change requirements?

IntelliO can be configured to any specification or requirement so you can be sure your CRM won't be holding you back.

Smart Menus

Navigate to each area with ease without overcomplicated structures. Create wizard style forms to allow users to breeze through form filling questionnaires

  • Intellisoft Ltd,
  • Floor 2, Manfield Chambers,
  • 17 St Sepulchre Gate, Doncaster DN1 1TD

  • Tel: +441302 430 874
  • email:

  • Company Number: 11994897
  • VAT number: GB 344104732

intelliO is the flagship product
of Intellisoft Ltd.

Cyber Essentials Certified
